What is my SPCC Username and Temporary Password? Usernames: Your username is created using a combination of your first name, last name, and Student ID. Note: You should have received your Student ID in an email from Admissions titled "Important: Welcome to SPCC". In the event you are unable to find your Student ID, please contact the Admissions office at (704) 272-5391. Username Scheme: (First initial of first name) + (first 3 characters of last name) + (last 4 digits of Student/Employee ID) Examples: Name: George Washington Student/Employee ID: 1234567 Username: gwas4567 Note: Special characters, such as apostrophes are replaced using an underscore. Name: George O'Neal Employee/Student ID: 1234567 Username: go_n4567 Initial Password: Your initial password is created using your birth-date. Password Scheme: 'Temp' + (Two Digit Birth Month) + (Two Digit Birth Day) + (a plus sign) Example: Birthday: 01/09/1999 Initial Password: Temp0109+ Office 365 Username: Your Office 365 Username is the same as your SPCC email address. Student Email Addresses: username@student.spcc.edu Example: gwas4567@student.spcc.edu Employee Email Addresses: (First Initial) + (Last name)@spcc.edu Example: gwashington@spcc.edu